Groups come in many forms such as community clubs/associations, businesses, youth groups and corporate teams. This is a great opportunity for team building, promoting awareness about a social cause and educating your members on women impacted by homelessness.
Here is how your group or team can get involved:
Offering a tangible gift is a powerful reminder for a woman that she has not been forgotten and that she remains a valued and respected member of her community during a time when she may be feeling alone and isolated.
Community groups can create and collect shoeboxes independently and drop them off during the designated drop-off dates without prior arrangements. Other groups will connect with their local chapter in advance to let them know their plans and may want or require more support for their shoebox drive or fundraising initiatives.
If you have a team of people interested in organizing a Shoebox gift drive or volunteering during the holiday season, in an area where we have an active Local Chapter, it’s easy to jump on board! Please contact your Local Coordinator to discuss logistics!
Note: If your group is interested in volunteering at a time of year where we are not currently collecting Shoeboxes, or if you live in an area without a Local Chapter, please contact us. We’ll do our best to get your team set up for success no matter where and when you want to support local women impacted by homelessness!
Are you a student or youth group? See how you can volunteer here!